That awkward moment...
That awkward moment when you realize you've actually just typed "cremation for babies" into google. Yes, this is one of the things I've had to begin planning for. I had a moment where I just felt so sick that that is even a thing one would google. It's surreal, mind-boggling, I don't know even how to describe it. But it's something that has to be done. I don't want to be trying to scramble and figure out these details at the last minute when it actually happens. I am a control freak and compulsive planner anyway, I have to get this out of the way now. So now it's all I can think about until it's settled.
I mean where does one even begin? How do I pick a funeral home/crematory? How much is it going to cost? It's not like they have life insurance for babies, what can help pay for this? What are all my options? Luckily, Lynn over at the pediatric cardiologist has been AMAZING. I don't know if this is a standard thing that I should expect, but either way I feel that she has gone absolutely above and beyond for us. I expressed that I'd been wondering about this, and she offered to do some research for me. She put me in touch with a few different funeral homes, one in Gilbert that is privately owned and operated. She found out about their cost ranges and what is involved. She made some phone calls and put me in touch with a few local charities that help cover these types of costs. She also overnighted me a child loss bereavement package from the Banner Desert, with tons of resources to help cope. I can't express how much weight has been taken off my shoulders that I have some place to just start.
I called one of the volunteers for the charity the Nick and Kelly fund, and she is going to email me a packet to apply for that opportunity. I just figure every little bit helps. Next week I'll have to make some calls around to the funeral homes and try to solidify one to provide services for us. We'd like to get him cremated and keep the remains in an urn. Then we have to figure out what type of urn we want. So, it's baby steps (pun intended) but I am getting there bit by bit.
Another thing that I need to start putting thought into is memory-making. I don't know how much time we'll get with him so I know that we've got to make the most of every moment. What do we want those moments to consist of? What experiences do we want our baby to have during his short time here? Is there certain music we'd like him to hear? Do we want to take him outside to experience the sunshine and fresh air? I want to breast feed him, change him, burp him, see him smile, laugh, cry. I want him to see us and know that we're his mommy and daddy and we love him so much. I want each of my family to get an opportunity to meet him and for him to meet them. I hope we have time for all of these things.
Some of our co-workers gifted us a kit to make a necklace out of the baby's thumbprint. Another gave us a hand-knitted hat and set of booties. Still another made a hand-stitched onesie with "Baby Van Zant". The cardiologist office also gave us a set of booties. There will I'm sure be tons of pictures and video. That reminds me of something else I need to coordinate. Yet another co-worker, and Lynn also, gave me the name of a charitable organization, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. They have volunteer photographers who take baby pictures in the hospital, at no cost. Coincidentally, my good friend Jeremy had already referred me to them, as his sister is one of the volunteers. I keep putting off contacting her because I haven't felt up to dealing with that yet, but, it's getting down to the wire so I better get on that. It's just amazing how many people we've got looking out for us!
No More NSTs
They've stopped doing the non-stress tests and instead now we are just doing biophysical profiles (BPPs) twice a week. He wasn't doing well on the NSTs and the next step is a BPP anyway so in an effort to save me some stress the doctor decided it's best to go straight to the BPPs every time. He continues to pass those, which is comforting.
We had a growth scan on 7/23 and as I suspected he is tiny. He's fallen below the 5th percentile :(. In 3 weeks he only gained 9oz. Babies should be gaining an ounce/day at this point. The app I have on my phone says at week 37 the baby weighs around 6 1/3 lbs. My poor baby probably won't even make it to 5lbs by the time he's born. I mean it makes sense. His heart is not able to get proper nutrients around to his body so he's just not growing. It's just so sad. The only comforting thing is that the doc said that considering everything else he is facing when he's born, this doesn't really add a whole lot of extra stuff that I should worry myself about. I suppose it's better to have a smaller body that he will have to try to sustain on his own. Maybe it will give us more time? I don't know. . .
Delivery Plan
I think I've got a definitive answer that based on how he's doing now, I'll be allowed to go into labor spontaneously and labor/deliver naturally, proceeding to emergency c-section only if the baby starts to show signs of distress. But it sounds like based on their past experience with babies with heart defects, they believe I will end up having a c-section. I suppose I'll just have to give up worrying and wondering about it at this point. It's out of my control. I just want to do whatever will get him out alive. The other day they told me that if I have a c-section, once he comes out and they quickly get him dried off and stuff, he'll be right back by my side right away. My fear that he'll be whisked off and taken somewhere else away from me and I'll be stuck alone and wondering what is going on, has been quelled.
Since I have a history of high blood pressure I'm really paranoid about getting preeclampsia. Now that I'm near the end of the pregnancy my BP has been high - not too much higher than normal for ME but it's still worrying me. I give urine samples all the time and there's never any protein so far so that is good. But the other morning I woke up with my hands swollen, face a little swollen, feet swollen which I've been having but not first thing in the morning. I'd been nauseous all the day before and been tossing and turning all night with some abdominal discomfort which I couldn't figure out if it was heartburn or, maybe it was contraction pain maybe I was going into labor??? I was just getting myself all worked up and over-analyzing every little thing. Then by the time the alarm went off I discovered all that swelling. I didn't have a headache or vision problems or anything though. But I just knew something was off. I stayed home from work and made a dr. appointment.
By the time I got there I was feeling a little better and the swelling had gone down a bit so I kind of felt dumb but I know it's better to be safe than sorry. They took my BP and it was the same as it was when I'd taken it at home earlier, 140/97, so that's pretty high. But I had no protein in my urine. Still they are having me do a 24 hour urine collection and I'm going later today to drop that off at the lab and give blood for more testing, and I'll have those results on Monday. Today when I woke up I could see my knuckles and veins in my hands again so I don't know what my deal was yesterday. Oh and while I was there they checked my cervix and it's still totally closed. So at least for a few more days I won't start to worry that I'm going into labor with every little twinge that I feel lol. If it does happen, we have the hospital bag pretty much packed so at least that's ready to go!
Preparing for a rest
Next week will be my last week at work and then I'm taking vacation until I deliver. Although I love my job very much it's just getting so hard to get through each day that I'm really looking forward to just staying home and resting. Knowing me I'll probably be bored and wondering what is going on at work anyway. But I know this is the best thing for me, I know it will be good to just take some time before all of this starts to go down. So this last week at work will be crazy trying to wrap up all the little loose ends and make sure everything is set to run smoothly after I'm gone. Did I mention before that I'm a control freak? It's hard to leave things to other and trust that they'll be done "right" when I'm gone but I've got to just give it up and give in. It's hard though. :)
Reaching out/thank you
I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their love, support and encouragement through this. Every little text or comment really helps. More days than not I find myself crying off and on for hours and when I do make the effort to reach out, you guys always end up coming through for me and making me feel better, and I'm able to make it through another day. I need to reach out more, I know. It's hard for me, I don't know why. My co-workers have been so great too! My super-supportive boss coordinated a covered parking spot for me! When it comes to my work I know he doesn't expect 100% from me right now but he's also not coddling me either, which is appreciated. Another co-worker took me to my doc appointment one day when I realized I just probably shouldn't be driving myself in this condition (and Steve can't always leave work). Another coordinated meals for us for when we are on leave. It feels good to know that everyone cares about us so much.
Ok. Time to go now, and try to make it through another hour, and another day. Thanks for listening, everyone.
May God Bless you and comfort you. Many prayers from our family here in WV.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in miracles.